SÉRVULO advises LUSOSPACE on satellite launch aboard SpaceX rocket
SÉRVULO IN THE PRESS 15 Jan 2025 in Iberian Lawyer
SÉRVULO has provided legal counsel to LusoSpace, which has launched yesterday the PoSAT-2 satellite. Part of the Aton constellation, the satellite is dedicated to maritime traffic monitoring. The Portuguese satellite was launched aboard the Falcon 9 rocket of the U.S. based SpaceX, led by Elon Musk. The Portuguese law firm offered legal advisory services for the development, design, and contracting of services necessary for the satellite’s launch.
The multidisciplinary team from SÉRVULO was led by Sofia Carreiro, partner in charge of the commercial and M&A department, and included Ana Rita Paínho, partner responsible for the space law department, Inês de Sá, lawyer from the TMT department, Alberto Saavedra, partner in the European and competition department, and Catarina Marques da Silva, lawyer in commercial and M&A.
“In the context of the new practice area of Space Law, it was a major challenge for SÉRVULO to spearhead the advisory work for this LusoSpace project, which is developing new areas of the space market, particularly ocean monitoring,” highlighted the advisory team.
PoSAT-2, the first of a constellation of 12 microsatellites for maritime traffic monitoring, cost approximately one million euros. It will provide data on the location of ships through a new naval communication system, enabling vessels to receive alerts about severe weather or potential pirate threats and to send distress messages. The launch took place at 7:09 PM (Lisbon time) from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, United States. In Lisbon, representatives from Portugal’s space study sector and high-ranking officials gathered to celebrate this historic milestone.
Read full article here.