SÉRVULO takes part in the annual SÉRVULO LATITUDE⦵ event in São Tomé
In July 2024, SÉRVULO took part in the annual SÉRVULO LATITUDE⦵ event in São Tomé, organised by Posser da Costa & Associados (De Juris), a local law firm that is a member of this network.
SÉRVULO LATITUDE⦵ is a network of Portuguese-speaking law firms with a presence in mainland Portugal, the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and the Azores, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Macau and East Timor.
As part of this event, a conference on Arbitration was held on 18 July at the Pestana Hotel, covering the following topics: International Arbitration (João Saúde), Investment Arbitration in Brazil (Marcos Perez) and Santomean Legislation on Arbitration (Silvestre Leite), moderated by Guilherme Posser da Costa.
This SÉRVULO LATITUDE⦵ meeting was attended not only by representatives of De Juris and SÉRVULO, but also by representatives of the respective firms in Brazil, Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau.